We support companies in their digital transformation and innovation processes with state-of-the-art solutions: artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, IoT, Big Data…
“Transparency and visibility are achieved with data managed by artificial intelligence first, and by human intelligence second.”
– Jeff Bezos
We are experts in data management and balanced scorecard to aid our clients with decision making in real time.

Where physical assets, resources and infrastructures connect with the digital world for the processing of events, business analysis, and overall process optimization.

For four years now, the supply chains that have assumed the concept of “CULTURE OF DATA” have obtained significantly greater competitive advantages than in any other area of Supply Chain activity, such as stock control, TMS optimization or warehousing programs, among others. If we talk about figures, the ROI shown by the Big Data and Artificial Intelligence programs are 40% higher than in the classic areas of action. In Sauron, we follow this philosophy. We apply solutions linked to the data to optimize the supply chain of companies, increase their competitive advantages and make their processes more efficient, productive and profitable.
How we do it
- Just In Time AI-OTD
- Zero risk. Cognitive learning abilities for control of suppliers and shipments.
- 90% higher speed of reaction to peaks of demand and supplier default.
- Systems that analyze, understand, learn and create solutions.
- Comprehensive visibility for your organization.
- Constant analysis of data, structured and unstructured in any location and source.
- Optimization of data exchange and operational excellence through a powerful network of partners.
- Intelligent monitoring of personnel contributing cognitive solutions and knowledge that allow you to make quicker decisions and improve daily actions.
- Just In Time AI-OTD
- Zero risk. Cognitive learning abilities for control of suppliers and shipments.
- 90% higher speed of reaction to peaks of demand and supplier default.
- Systems that analyze, understand, learn and create solutions.
- Comprehensive visibility for your organization.
- Constant analysis of data, structured and unstructured in any location and source.
- Optimization of data exchange and operational excellence through a powerful network of partners.
- Intelligent monitoring of personnel contributing cognitive solutions and knowledge that allow you to make quicker decisions and improve daily actions.